Javais vu cet article l'annee derniere dans le monthly news de mon building, et il m'avait bien plu..
je vais donc vous le faire partager en esperant que ca donne un sourire a ceux qui sont fatigues de travailler
If you are a person that frequently feels tired and weak, it is good to remember the words of the Brtish writer, George Bernard Shaw.
He wrote :
There are 365 days in the year. Each day consists of 24 hours, of wich 12 are night hours totaling 182 days. This means there are 183 days left. If you take away the 52 Sundays in the year, this leaves 131 days. There are 52 saturdays, wich leaves us with 79 days of work. But 4 hours a day are ised for eating, wich adds up to 60 days. This leaves us with only 19 workdays. But since you take 15 vacation days, this leaves only 4 days of work. If you use approximatively 3 days due to illness or for personal reasons, this would leave only 1 workday. But that day is "Labor Day", which is considered a holiday and you do not work.