je ne sais pas , je n ai pas tout compris non plus.....
extrait des contions générale de la compagnie a écrit:ii. Electronic toll by-pass option: In a few cities, we offer an option to purchase an electronic toll bypass service for a per/day charge that allows the driver to bypass all toll booths and avoid electronic toll charges on all the toll roads in the city or state, as applicable; and, as many times a day as necessary. If you decline to purchase the toll bypass option, you will pay us for all unpaid toll roads violations (including violations captured by camera) charged by the toll authority plus a $25.00 administrative fee per violation. If you have a personal transponder or account, it may not transfer to the rental vehicle and you will be charged a toll violation. Please be advised that some toll roads are managed electronically and have no manned booths. GPS units rented from us can be programmed to avoid toll roads.
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