Ma fille se demande pourquoi je rigole tout seul devant l'Ipad réponse c'est Flo59
...We were there ....with my Four... April 2011 ... ...We were there ....with my Four... April 2012... ...We were there ....with my half... April 2017... ...We'll be here ....with my half...from April 13th till April 26th 2018...
J'ai pas lu la signature mais un message du début de la discussion où tu disais ton jour et heure de départ sur corsairfly.. Si tu vois un homme chauve-rasé, une fille plutot blonde, et une mini blonde qui parle sans arrêt à tout le monde, ça sera nous!!
Et bien nous voilà bien partit ....une mini colonie de blondes avec 2 boules à zéro Sans offense ....
...We were there ....with my Four... April 2011 ... ...We were there ....with my Four... April 2012... ...We were there ....with my half... April 2017... ...We'll be here ....with my half...from April 13th till April 26th 2018...
Eeeeh, je ne prends pas le TGV....le seul bar de l'arrivée que je connaisse (l'unique le vrai) c'est celui de Montparnasse
...We were there ....with my Four... April 2011 ... ...We were there ....with my Four... April 2012... ...We were there ....with my half... April 2017... ...We'll be here ....with my half...from April 13th till April 26th 2018...
je croyais que le bar ( un bar carre ) , s appelait le bar de l arrivee ........ point de rencontre des rugbymen avant leur envol lors des matchs internationaux....
bref, tu as repondu a cote pour eviter de payer ton expresso........ ca me rappelle un forumeur.............. je ne vais donc pas venir
Dommage j'étais vraiment parti pour te l'offrir La preuve... Mais je pense que les RugbyMens seront un peu déçu alors je te propose
Pièces jointes
The Democratic Republic of Beer, Miami, FL
beer.jpg (70.78 KIB) Consulté 6973 fois
Lobby Café at The Raleigh Hotel, 1775 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139
expresso.jpg (19.14 KIB) Consulté 6973 fois
...We were there ....with my Four... April 2011 ... ...We were there ....with my Four... April 2012... ...We were there ....with my half... April 2017... ...We'll be here ....with my half...from April 13th till April 26th 2018...
...We were there ....with my Four... April 2011 ... ...We were there ....with my Four... April 2012... ...We were there ....with my half... April 2017... ...We'll be here ....with my half...from April 13th till April 26th 2018...