adil , ufo , papy dj dj , patsudfrance et les autres......
en ce jour, je viens de recevoir une proposition d un certain Olivier1965 pour l accompagner ainsi que ses tetes blondes dans le vol Corsair du 15 avril......... il a du refuser une proposition de maitre nageur à cause de la taille, celle d un lyonnais pour cause d addiction au hooters et au tatoos, celle d un Papy basque pour raison finacière ( il demandait beaucoup trop cher comme guide ! ) et enfin 1 setois qui est deja tres occupe car il fait deja beau dans le sud .......
et a donc prefereé prendre un pauvre breton desesperé mais plein d energie pour encadrer son voyage familial et le " guider " jusqu a Fort Myers !
une seule condition m a t il dit : c est a moi d offrir le café à Orly !!
apres reflexion ne sais pas a combien est l expresso a Orly mais je crois que je vais accepter .....
Bien vu Lutins .... Ok pour l'espresso à ta charge .... ....ainsi que l’excédent bagages
...We were there ....with my Four... April 2011 ... ...We were there ....with my Four... April 2012... ...We were there ....with my half... April 2017... ...We'll be here ....with my half...from April 13th till April 26th 2018...
Adil1 a écrit:A ton avis Olive, le billet pour moi est moins chère en soute ou en économique
A mon avis, la soute mais est-ce que tu y survivrais ? ....ah oui j’oubliais, avec ton job..tu as l'instinct de survie ... Encore un clandestin qui va débarquer à Miami
...We were there ....with my Four... April 2011 ... ...We were there ....with my Four... April 2012... ...We were there ....with my half... April 2017... ...We'll be here ....with my half...from April 13th till April 26th 2018...
Lutins - plutôt en MP car en moment je dépile que vers 23h.
...We were there ....with my Four... April 2011 ... ...We were there ....with my Four... April 2012... ...We were there ....with my half... April 2017... ...We'll be here ....with my half...from April 13th till April 26th 2018...
...We were there ....with my Four... April 2011 ... ...We were there ....with my Four... April 2012... ...We were there ....with my half... April 2017... ...We'll be here ....with my half...from April 13th till April 26th 2018...
...We were there ....with my Four... April 2011 ... ...We were there ....with my Four... April 2012... ...We were there ....with my half... April 2017... ...We'll be here ....with my half...from April 13th till April 26th 2018...